Monday, August 5, 2019

The August meeting of the Hoosier Hills Rug Guild 
will be held at

Washington Public Library
Saturday, Aug 10
starting at 10:30 AM

We started July soggy as all get out, but ended up dry as a bone.  But the July meeting was fair weather all around & offered a variety of projects in the works.

Anne continues to work in her favorite medium, rabbits!  

Libby's completed quillie tree - she chose to sew hers on, thus avoiding burnt fingers from a glue gun!  

Melody was sheepish about facing the camera, but her favorite medium is sheep.

Sheila's progress on her silk thread cross-stitch continues.

Sharon's sheep will have to wait until the flower is finished.

Sue is trucking along on her latest chair-pad-to-be.,,

....but her midnight pumpkin is ready to be lashed.

Judy is working to fill her vase....
...with flowers.  

Hope to see you at the upcoming meeting!


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