Monday, November 11, 2013

Notes from the November meeting ...

The Hoosier Hills Rug Hooking Guild held their regular monthly meeting Saturday, November 9 at the public library in Washington, Indiana.  Eleven members and one special guest were present -- we were pleased to welcome Sheila Parker back.  Lots of visiting, sharing projects, eating yummy brownies provided by Jan Cabel, and catching up with our visitor proceeded the business meeting.

President Janice Spaulding did call the meeting to order and we covered several topics of old business including:
  • The search to fill our slate of officers for 2014 -- The nominating committee will present a slate of officers at the December meeting and a vote will be taken at that time.
  • It was decided to fully utilize the committee system of handling each area of the Fiber Fair without an overall Chair having to do most of the work, and using the Guild President as the coordinator instead of the VP as in the past.  (The bylaws will need revision.)  A motion was made and seconded to do so and have the President name committee chairs at the January meeting with each chair then drafting members to help them in their particular area.
  • Janice reminded us that things are progressing behind the scenes as we approach the next Fair.  For instance the food vendor has committed, ideas for various projects for the Kid's Corner were presented, the raffle rug is in progress (Teresa Kinman is working on it now), vendor letters will be mailed before the end of the year by Shirley Casebolt, and we have secured Couch's Workshop to give a beginning weaving class just to name a few. 
  • Barbara Elliott gave us laminated cards provided by the American Wool Council with how-to tips to give to visitors at the 2014 Fair.
  • Lois Moore reminded us of next month's Christmas part.  It will be Saturday December 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sweet Stuff Bakery & Cafe at Pride's Creek Golf Course outside Petersburg.  Members can bring an ornament if they wish to participate in an exchange.
New Business:
  • Judy mentioned problems with Google Blogger program and she's attempting to keep our web page updated and looking good.
  • Lois gave some details of the Rock River Rug Camp for 2014.  She and some of the Evansville Mall Hookers may attend and she has all of the details.
 The business meeting was adjourned and we stayed until after 1:30, hooking and visiting.  Here's what some of us were working on ...
Judy Foster just finished this Margo White design called "Mother Cat with Lost Kittens".  She still has to bind ...

This rug featuring the ship "America" was being bound at the meeting by Sheila Parker.  Everyone loved the red check wool used for the lettering ...

Lois Moore was embroidering this red work Christmas piece.

Mary Jane Todd was working on a needle punch design.

Chrystal Goodpaster is progressing on her sheep and shepherd project.  All the sheep and the stars are done.  She'll be using some dark navy wools for her nighttime sky.

Sug McClain was hooking the background on her Christmas Goose rug.  A beautiful blue stripe was chosen as the background wool.

Jan Cabel has made 20 of these large ornaments -- she'll be adding a hanger and bells at the tips of the star.  She drew the faces on floor cloth fabric left over from another project.  (Everyone was trying to figure out how to get invited to that Christmas party!)

Jan Cabel brought this adorable Santa purse for show n' tell.  It's hooked and needle felted.  Oh, Jan!

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