The financial report was distributed to all members and was discussed in detail. Everyone was satisfied that we met our goal of just about breaking even financially -- we are a non-profit.
Along those same lines, the Guild decided to donate to the Washington Public Library in thanks for the continuing use of their public meeting room. In the past the Guild has given books or rug hooking magazine subscriptions, but this year decided on a monetary amount designated to the cultural arts area. It was also decided to give a generous gift to a local public school designated for their arts department. Names of member's local schools will be gathered and a drawing will be done at a future meeting, with the money being given at the beginning of this fall's classes. Members homes are scattered over the southwest Indiana and southeast Illinois areas so it will be interesting to see which school the first donation goes to.
The Fiber Fair was discussed, especially the advertising aspects, since that is the largest Fair budget item. New, creative ideas will be needed to possibly cut back on money spent on advertising while at the same time reaching a larger audience. Right now it was decided to have 1,000 business-card-size ads printed and have available for events happening late this summer, and this fall and winter.
The Fiber Fair vendor registration form and letter was also discussed; hopefully this will go out in October with a February 1, 2014 deadline. Jana and Shirley Casebolt, vendor coordinator, will work together on this important project.
Also in regard to the Fair, a children's class area was discussed with lots of interesting ideas for kids suggested including weaving a hula hoop rug, hand sewing with wool, rug hooking with interesting fabrics, and needle felting. This will be offered free of charge so Mom's can go shop while their kids have some fun.
On a lighter note, the members were already thinking "Christmas Party" and the time and place for that important social event will be set soon. Two locations are under serious consideration and decisions will be made, probably at the next meeting!
After the business meeting adjourned members enjoyed a lengthy social time with members hooking, binding, doing wool applique, or just enjoying visiting. Chrystal Goodpaster provided some yummy pineapple quick bread as refreshment. Thanks Chrystal!
Sug McClain brought this cute bird house to show us ... |
Next meeting will be August 10 -- visitors always welcome!
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